The researches on which this book are based have extended over several decades, and I wish to express my deep gratitude to all those individuals who, over the years, have helped me in my work. Among those who introduced me to the study of anthropology I would particularly mention H. D. Skinner and Ernest Beaglehole, who guided my early researches in Samoa; Sir Raymond Firth and S. F. Nadel, whose student I was at the University of London, and Meyer Fortes, who supervised my studies at King's College, Cambridge. Again, I have derived great benefit and encouragement from Sir Karl Popper's interest in the long-term research project of which this book is the summation.
During my work in Samoa in the 1960s I was given vital support by Sir John Crawford, at that time director of the Research School of Pacific Studies at the Australian National University, and by Paul Gabites, then New Zealand High Commissioner in Western Samoa. In both Upolu and Savai'i in 1967 I learned much from collaborative research with Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, and over many years I was fortunate in being able to discuss our common interest in Samoa with J. W. Davidson, the Foundation Professor of Pacific History at the Australian National University and my friend from the time of our undergraduate days together at Victoria University College in Wellington, New Zealand. Similarly, I have benefited from my correspondence about things Samoan with Sir Charles Marsack, who for many years was president of the Land and Titles Court in Western Samoa.
It is to the people of Samoa themselves, however, that I am most deeply indebted. During my visits to their islands I have been treated with the greatest civility and kindness, and after an association over many years, particularly with the village of Sa'anapu, my regard for the Samoan people is profound. Robert Louis Stevenson, not long before his death at Vailima in 1894, told the chiefs who had become his friends that he had come to „love Samoa and her people“ and had chosen them „to live and die with.“ Anyone who has really come to know the Samoans and the fa'aSamoa will apprehend and share the spirit and intent of these heartfelt words.
My researches in Western Samoa during 1966-1967 were supported by its then prime minister, Mata'afa Fiame Fau-muina Mulinu'u II, and by the Masiofo Fetaui Mata'afa, whose father, Le Mamea Matatumua, was my first mentor in the fa'aSamoa. I remain most grateful for their hospitality and their interest in my work. I also wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to my friend and principal tutor in the Samoan language, Lefau So'onalole Masina, and to all members of his family. On several occasions in my study of Samoan values I have been privileged to have the counsel of that nonpareil among Samoan ladies of rank, To'oa Salamasina Malietoa, and in 19811 was exceptionally fortunate in having a draft of this book subjected to the critical scrutiny of Le Tagaloa Leota Pita of the University of Samoa, and in being able to discuss the results of my researches with his wife, Aiono Fanaafi, the vice-chancellor of that university. To these eminent Samoans I am especially grateful.
To the ali'i and tulafale and all the people of Sa'anapu I am thankful for an association that has extended over four decades, during the chieftainships of both 'Anapu Solofa and his son 'Anapu ' Aiali'i. It was Lauvi Vainu'u, who, in 1942, by taking me into his 'diga, enabled me to appreciate at first hand the realities of the fa'aSamoa, and, since that time, I have been helped in innumerable ways by many others of Sa'anapu, to all of whom I now say fa'afetai, tele tele lava. In particular, my thanks are due for assistance during the years 1966-1967 to Lea'ana Fa'alolo and all the members of his 'diga, as also to the talking chiefs Tuigale'ava Tiuga and Le Sa Vai, who, in 1967, accompanied me on a memorable malaga to Tutuila and Manu'a.
In Manu'a in 1967,1 was especially helped by the Reverend John Soloi, then pastor at Fitiuta, and by Pese Olioli and his family, of Si'ufaga. For most valuable assistance during my visit to Tutuila in 1981 my thanks are due to Robert L. Gornick, Clerk of Courts in the High Court of American Samoa, and to Tuiteleleapaga Napoleone, who was a young man in Manu'a at the time of Margaret Mead's sojourn there.
Many librarians have assisted me in my researches. I am especially thankful to Mataina Te'o and others of the Nelson Memorial Library, Apia, Western Samoa; Miss I. Fletcher, formerly Librarian at Livingstone House, London; Cynthia Tim-berlake and Marguerite Ashford of the Library of the Bemke P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawai'i; and the staffs of the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand; the Mitchell Library, Sydney, Australia; and the Menzies Library of the Australian National University, Canberra. For research assistance over many years, I am indebted to Henny Fokker-Bakker and Judith Wilson. For the map I am grateful to Theo Baumann.
To G. N. Appell, John Bowles, James Fox, Robert Hunt, Michael Jackson, H. E. Maude, Michael Moerman, H. Neumann, Uili F. Nokise, Vernon Reynolds, Bradd Shore, 0. H. K. Spate, D. F. Tuzin, Gerard Ward, and Albert Wendt, I am grateful for insightfully critical comments on earlier drafts of this book; and to Ann Buller, Ita Pead, and Ria van de Zandt for having so cheerfully and efficiently typed these various drafts. I am deeply appreciative of the exceptional editorial skills of Camilla Smith, of Harvard University Press.
Finally, my very special thanks are due to my daughters Jennifer and Hilary, who, through their friendships with Sa-moan girls of their own ages, provided me with information and insights of a particularly valuable kind; and, beyond all others, to my wife, Monica, who was with me in Samoa in 1966-1967 and again in 1981, and who has contributed, as only she could, to my work on this book.
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